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Prior to this project I’ve been working on different bits and pieces that I want to bring together. They are characterized by a dreamy look that I relate to as memories, hallucinations or mental projections. This visual style is a product of render-engine torment; trying to break the engine to produce unexpected results.

An example of one of these experiments

I want to tell the story of my inner world which is fragmented, ever-changing and all over the place. Especially when it comes to dreams, there’s no consistancy or coherance to be found. My goal was to incorporate many dreamy subjects that I’ve experienced.

One of the brainstorm sketches

A lot of these dreams had feelings that I could never express in this short. This is where visual metaphors come into play. Concepts such as feeling the presence of someone that doesn’t have a face or searching endlessly.

Presence and absence of a person
Searching endlessly